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Running "Gait" Analysis

At our endurance training center, we offer a Running 'Gait' Analysis to help runners understand why they're experiencing pain. By analyzing your running style, we can identify areas that need improvement and create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.


Stop injuries and stop pain by booking your Running 'Gait' Analysis today.

Movement Analysis

Dance Movement Analysis

Dr. Estrada
Dance Movement Analysis
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Running Gait Analysis
Dance Movement Analysis
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Dance Movement Analysis

Running Gait Analysis
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Running Gait Analysis

Fall Prevention

Have you fallen before?

Do you know a loved one who has fallen and gotten injured?

Have you been told you have Osteoporosis?

Looking to develop your own Fall Prevention Program?

Access our FREE information to assist you and your loved ones in making sure safety is a priority and you prevent falls from happening in the first place?

Fall Prevention

"What's Next"

Personalized Care and Exercise Prescription

El Paso’s most prominent resource for high quality healthcare, EP Specialty Rehab Group specializes in getting athletes/patients feeling healthier than ever before.

All our therapist are Board Certified Specialists in their respective fields of study, which means you get better faster.

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